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The advocate of harmony

The advocate of harmony

Interviewed by Forbes magazine, Avvocato Cecatiello delves into the issues of international divorce and the protection of assets. We publish an excerpt from the magazine. Article edited by Di Marcello Astorri.




The lawyer Armando Cecatiello is a professional who has resolved several intricate situations to as many clients with large wealth. After all, he is one who in his career has learned to do things in a different way. On the one hand, in fact, he manages international divorces with the method of collaborative practice between the two spouses. On the other hand, he takes care of generational transitions, but always without losing sight of the requests and true needs of the client. All this led him to launch new offices in Milan, in the Brera district, and to open a branch in Lugano, Switzerland, to meet the needs of many customers who were willing to come to the Lombard capital in order to make use of the consultancy services of he. For the future, he has already received a request to set up a desk in London.

Alongside his legal activity, he also works as a writer, which led him to publish books that have been translated into different languages ​​such as Teenagers: educate and grow without fear o My parents split up. What about me ?: Separating and divorcing while protecting themselves and their children. Now he is working on another book that explores the issues related to the generational change, a significant issue in Italy if we consider that about 70% of companies with a turnover between 20 and 50 million euros are family-owned. And, a quarter of these are managed by an entrepreneur over the age of 70, according to the latest Aub Observatory promoted by the Italian Association of Family Businesses, Unicredit and Bocconi.

"I have decided to write this new book to spread the word", explains the lawyer Cecatiello. “My way of working embraces the legal, fiscal and financial aspects, but also psychological with the help of communication professionals and psychologists. The point is precisely to fully understand the needs of those who plan to sell the company in relation to their person and to those who must receive it ". Sometimes situations arise in which the children have been designated and are also interested in taking over the company, but it may not be the case. In other cases, however, it may happen that the parent does not have enough confidence to pass the helm to their children. Here, then, that he takes the i-power of an external management to manage the business.

“The generational change must be built in time”, Czech-tiello continues, “the farsighted entrepreneur, as soon as he has the opportunity, starts planning it, starting from the career of his children to give them the right tools. I know managers of large multinationals who learned how to fry fries in the field before running a fast food chain at the executive level. It is important to learn in the field. The generational change is not improvised when the entrepreneur is tired or something unexpected happens ". The listening approach is also important in the management of divorces, the predominant activity of the Cecatiello studio. He is one of the most requested matrimonialists in Italy, a specialist in international divorces and with important assets, an expert in collaborative practice, an alternative procedure to litigation, born in the United States and now widespread throughout the world that accompanies couples in crisis to separate in constructive way. The lawyer decided to apply it in Italy in 2010, while following some divorce procedures in the United States. In the country where he also met his wife, he discovered the collaborative practice and the international association of collaborative professionals (Iacp) of which he is still an active member, trainer and lecturer today. He first studied law at the University of Milan, where he graduated in 1993. Already at the university he began to develop interest in the area linked to family law and the protection of minors and went to steal the knowledge of other faculties, attending the psychology courses active in the departments of literature and philosophy.

Following the pandemic, Cecatiello claims to have seen a considerable increase in his work. He notes, however, that the collaborative practice method is gaining interest. “If before people sought revenge and wanted an aggressive lawyer by their side to destroy the other, now people are more inclined to build and not destroy. A successful divorce, in fact, can create something new and positive, think of Jeff Bezos' divorce and the efforts to find constructive agreements that Bill Gates and his wife are making ”. The specialization in family law and human skills led him to be often appointed by the Court of Milan as special curator of minors in separation and divorce proceedings with very high parental conflict. What gives him greater satisfaction, however, is when the collaborative practice is fully implemented, as in the case of a couple of famous Tuscan architects who, having found all the agreements to divide the huge patrimony, were experiencing a situation of tension due to the ownership of a prestigious apartment, previously used as a studio, in the center of Florence. “In the end we found a solution by creating a company to use the property as a charming hotel”, recalls Cecatiello, “Subsequently, given the profits, the ex spouses developed the business by acquiring other properties and creating a chain of hotels”.

Cecatiello's study, therefore, invites us to go beyond "mere standpoints based on principles, which are then responsible for the worst conflicts". And, at least until there are prenuptial agreements in Italy too, it is necessary to consult an expert lawyer before getting married or starting a cohabitation. “Those who choose not to marry, in the interest of the economically weaker party, are protected by cohabitation contracts. Trusts are an institution increasingly used also in our country to protect assets and plan possible future events, even if not positive, such as the crisis of family relationships ".



The Cecatiello Law Firm advises its clients for the best management of both consensual and judicial separation and divorce proceedings, asset protection, custody of minors, collaborative practice.



Cecatiello Law Firm, Milan, Lugano. Marriage lawyer, divorce lawyer, specializing in family law, children's rights, juvenile criminal law. Contact us.