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Interdisciplinary introductory training course in Collaborative Practice - November 2017

The lawyer Armando Cecatiello, matrimonial expert, collaborative lawyer, partner of AIADC (Italian Association of Collaborative Professionals) and coordinator of the Milan Practice Group in 2017, mediator and trainer, author of several publications including “My parents are divided. AND I?" Red. Edizioni, participated as a teacher / trainer at Interdisciplinary introductory training course in Collaborative Practice held in Bologna in the days 13, 20, 21, 29 November 2017.


Interdisciplinary introductory training course in Collaborative Practice

Sala conferences "teacher. Marco Biagi"- Complex of the Baraccano

Via Santo Spirito 119 - Bologna

November 13, 20 and 21 November, 29 November 2017



Purpose: The course will allow participants to become part of the community of professionals trained in the use of the Collaborative Practice method as well as to acquire new skills to effectively support the parties in managing family conflict

Learning objectives:

- start a process of reflection on one's professional action in situations of family conflict

- know the principles and foundations of Collaborative Practice as a special tool in the panorama of ADR in family matters

- acquire the basic technical knowledge to start a case of Collaborative Practice according to the model of negotiation based on interests


"The why, the thing and the how of Collaborative Practice":

1. Why train yourself, why propose the Collaborative Practice to the parts - the change of paradigm

2. The principles and values ​​of Collaborative Practice (good faith, transparency, confidentiality, limited mandate, participation agreement) differences with traditional negotiation and assisted negotiation, ethical and deontological aspects

3. The method and the collaborative process: centrality of the parties, negotiation based on interests, teamwork and interdisciplinarity, collaborative professionals, the role of law, communication between professionals and between the parties, new tools in the toolbox gear

4. Developing Collaborative Practice: lifelong learning, practice groups, innovative communication tools

Working methodology: In addition to the theoretical contributions, a space for participatory training will be guaranteed through exercises, role playing, discussion in small groups of cases or situations hypothesized as particularly problematic. An active working methodology will be adopted through which participants will be able to re-elaborate and give value to the different work experiences, knowledge and reflections. The course meets the requirements for multidisciplinary training in Collaborative Practice according to the standards set by IACP - International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.



For an in-depth analysis on mediation and collaborative practice, we invite you to read the dedicated pages:



Armando Cecatiello, Lawyer Milan and Rome.
Law Firm Cecatiello, specialized in family law, matrimonial lawyer, divorce lawyer, minor maintenance / custody.