Who is the Special Curator and what does he do?
Who is the Special Curator and what does he do? This and much more in the link below https://ilfamiliarista.it/articoli/focus/il-criera-speciale-alla-luce-delle-modifiche-della-riforma-del-processo-civile-il Avvocato Armando Cecatiello .. . Discover more
Marriage, Civil Unions and Surname
Marriage, Civil Unions and Surname: Can the wife use her husband's surname? The civilly united can choose to use the surname ... Discover more
Is it possible that Italian spouses residing in Switzerland can ask the Italian Judge to apply Swiss law and ask for a so-called direct divorce?
It is possible that Italian spouses, residing in Switzerland, can ask the Italian Judge to apply Swiss law and ask for ... Discover more
Privacy, image and law of new technologies
The Law Firm Cecatiello, Milan, Rome, offers its clients judicial and extrajudicial assistance in the field of privacy, image and use ... Discover more
Stalking to the detriment of the former partner
Before the Court of Milan, lawyers find themselves managing cases in which one of the partners or even the spouse already ... Discover more