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My parents are divided ... and me?

My parents split up ... and me?

Live a separation happily.

It is perhaps a wish of anyone who faces this difficult event in life.

This book offers a recipe of certain success based on the latest legal and psychological perspectives.

In its pages it provides parents who wish to protect their children from the possible effects of separation, divorce and coexistence of information, advice and practical tools to end the couple's life in the best way.

Each chapter of this book is easy to read but is extremely up-to-date and effective thanks to the experience of the authors; the most complex topics and the most important issues for minors in these situations are dealt with. The goal is to offer readers attentive to the subject for general interest or specific reasons, tools to understand and deal with what happens in a perspective of normality, also considering the fact that separation is a very common event in today's society.

The book is also a useful tool for psychologists, social workers and trainers to address the issues of separation, divorce and division in unmarried couples.


The authors are a lawyer and a specialist in clinical psychology.

Armando Cecatiello, a matrimonial lawyer at the Milan Bar, has been dealing with separations and divorces in the judicial and extrajudicial fields for twenty years. He has great experience in all matters relating to family law, from the simplest to the most complex, from the patrimonial and relational point of view, such as those characterized by intra-family violence.

Carlo Alfredo Clerici, medical specialist in clinical psychology, psychotherapist, researcher in general psychology at the University of Milan, for over twenty years he has been dealing, among other things, from the medical and research point of view, of mental health in the developmental age.

It is available on the site one preview of the book:

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For a general look on the topics discussed below, the index of the book is shown below:


My parents split up ... and me?


5 Introduction

9 When a relationship ends
          Bankruptcy or new perspective?



19      Judicial separation
When it is difficult to find an agreement

39      The consensual separation
How to leave yourself with awareness

45      Divorce
The wait becomes short

56      The division into the de facto family
Unmarried parents and end of cohabitation

67      Collaborative separation
When working together to find an agreement



85 Talking with children about separation
"Mom and dad quarrel: is it my fault?"

103 The custody of children between law and common sense
"And now, who will take care of me?"

116 The new companions of the parents
"Dad's girlfriend will take the place of mom?"

128 The arrival of other children
"Daddy will still love me?"

135 The role of grandparents
A precious bond that the law protects