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The lawyers of the Law Firm Cecatiello believe that children in the conflict of parents must be protected and protected. Children in collaborative practice are at the center of the interests of the parties and of the entire team of professionals involved. The conflict is a serious injury to children and young adults. The damages deriving from the causes among the parents or the continuation of conflicting situations are well known. The children derive great suffering from them, they are victims of the conflict of loyalty, often the uneasiness manifests itself with a poor academic performance, relationship problems and, in the most extreme cases, problems of behavior and depression. One of the principles of collaborative practice is "the children first of all and everything". The interests of the children are at the center: let's see what the main interests are as developed by the experience of collaborative practice.

  • Maintain meaningful and ongoing relationships with both parents.
  • To have parents who talk and make shared decisions.
  • Having parents with an active role in their life.
  • Maintain relationships with families of origin.
  • Create new positive relationships with new affective figures of the parents.

What are the benefits of collaborative practice for children?

  • Attention to children's feelings
  • The necessity and importance of big-parenting is emphasized.
  • More attention to any problems and difficulties
  • Parents have equal weight and importance

Thanks to Collaborative Practice, parents make reasoned and lasting agreements in their own interests and their children. Fathers and mothers are rediscovering each other's parents and discover how to communicate with a new language in the interest of their children and face the normal problems related to growth and particularly difficult periods such as pre-adolescence and adolescence with a new spirit and in particular with collaboration and solidarity. Mother and father, thanks to Collaborative Practice with the help of the lawyers of the Cecatiello Law Firm, do not feel alone in their parental role and they know they can count each other on substantial and concrete help.

Armando Cecatiello, Lawyer Milan and Rome.

Law Firm Cecatiello, specialized in family law, matrimonial lawyer, divorce lawyer, minor maintenance / custody.