Available now in Italy and Swiss “The Collaborative Practice”: a new and peaceful way to divorce.
Available now in Italy and Swiss “The Collaborative Practice”: a new and peaceful way to divorce. Collaborative Practice now is available in ... Discover more
What is the procedure that settles disputes for children between unmarried parents?
What is the procedure that settles disputes for children between unmarried parents? The procedure for regulating the exercise ... Discover more
If the ex is living with someone else, is it possible to ask for the divorce allowance to be revoked?
If the ex is living with someone else, is it possible to ask for the divorce allowance to be revoked? The Court of Cassation recently addressed the ... Discover more
Maintenance What happens between the filing of the appeal for separation and the taking of interim measures by the President? Who pays? How to apply for arrears?
Maintenance What happens between the filing of the appeal for separation and the taking of interim measures by the President? Who pays? How... Discover more
Who is the Special Curator and what does he do?
Who is the Special Curator and what does he do? This and much more in the link below https://ilfamiliarista.it/articoli/focus/il-criera-speciale-alla-luce-delle-modifiche-della-riforma-del-processo-civile-il Avvocato Armando Cecatiello .. . Discover more
Marriage, Civil Unions and Surname
Marriage, Civil Unions and Surname: Can the wife use her husband's surname? The civilly united can choose to use the surname ... Discover more
Is it possible that Italian spouses residing in Switzerland can ask the Italian Judge to apply Swiss law and ask for a so-called direct divorce?
It is possible that Italian spouses, residing in Switzerland, can ask the Italian Judge to apply Swiss law and ask for ... Discover more
Is parental alienation (PAS) recognized in Italy? How should minors who are pressured by one parent not to see the other be protected?
Is parental alienation (PAS) recognized in Italy? How should minors under pressure from a parent be protected to ... Discover more
What risks the parent who violates the provisions relating to the custody and placement of children?
What risks the parent who violates the provisions relating to the custody and placement of children? In our legal system the custody regime is in force ... Discover more
Can ownership of the property be transferred with separation and divorce measures? Are there any tax breaks?
Can ownership of the property be transferred with separation and divorce measures? Are there any tax breaks? ... Discover more