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Interdisciplinary training course for Collaborative Practice 8-30 November 2021

Course dates: November 8-30, 2021.

The lawyer Armando Cecatiello collaborates for the legal area at the course organized by "Italian Association of Collaborative Professionals" by title "Interdisciplinary introductory course on Collaborative Practice training"

The course will allow participants to become part of the community of trained professionals the use of the Collaborative Practice method as well as acquiring new skills to support the parties effectively in managing the conflict familiar:
- know the principles and foundations of Collaborative Practice as a peculiar tool in panorama of ADR in the field of family;
- to acquire the basic technical knowledge to start a Practice case Collaborative according to model of negotiation based on interests
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method and collaborative process: centrality of the parties, negotiation based on interests, teamwork andinterdisciplinarity, collaborative professionals, the role of law, communication between professionals and between parts, new tools

[Continue on the Collaborative Practice site]



Law Firm Lawyer Cecatiello, Milan, Lugano. Marriage lawyer, divorce lawyer, specializing in family law, children's rights. Contact us.