+39 02 72022862

The firm was founded by Avv. Armando Cecatiello from twenty years of experience in family and personal law.

The Cecatiello Law Firm operates in Milan, throughout the national territory and assists its customers at an international level using professionals and collaborators all over the world.

Professionals, trained in mediation and collaborative practice, offer the most recent ways to resolve disputes in judicial and extrajudicial matters.

We protect your rights

We take care of our customers, we are attentive to the needs of the people we accompany in the proceedings concerning them. Separations, divorces, assignment and placement of minors, adoptions, international abductions of minors, succession, trusts and family assets, in Italy and abroad are the main activities of the Cecatiello Law Firm in Milan

Avv. Armando Cecatiello

The lawyer Armando Cecatiello graduated in law from the State University of Milan; since 1997 he has been a member of the Milan Bar Association and is qualified to sponsorship before the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Superior Magistracies.

The lawyer Armando Cecatiello established the Cecatiello Law Firm in Milan, conforming it to the principle of the protection of individual rights, of the person, in every moment of existence, with a human approach and maximum attention to the client.

The experience as a divorce lawyer allows him to conduct in the best way the various phases of separation and divorce in judicial or out-of-court matters.

For over twenty years he has been dealing with family and people's rights, an attentive scholar of alternative methods to litigation, is developing his research in the field of family law, negotiation and collaborative practice both in Italy and in the USA.

È Ombudsman, Collaborative Lawyer, Collaborative Practice Trainer. He founded Soccorso Rosa Onlus, an association that deals with the prevention and study of gender violence. He is a member of Aiaf (Italian Association of Family Lawyers) and is the author of several publications on family law and the protection of minors: "Basta Basta. Instructions for Abuse "Boston Publishing, 2015; "Bully You Busted Me, 2016 Boston Publishing; "My Parents Divide. And me? "2016 red! Ed .; "Separating Well with Collaborative Practice" red! 2017.

Interview with the lawyer Cecatiello by BFC Media

in this episode we have the lawyer Armando Cecatiello as a guest here.

Welcome back Cecatiello lawyer! Armando Cecatiello is the author of the book published by BFC Books "Weddings, families and weddings. Know your rights and duties for conscious and serene choices."


Interview with the lawyer Armando Cecatiello in the offices of Forbes Italy.

Below is the interview with the lawyer Armando Cecatiello in the Forbes offices.

FORBES Journalist: [00:00:04] Friends of leading Forbes, today we offer you an in-depth study that can certainly be useful to the lives of all of us. You have surely heard of the increase in separations and divorces that unfortunately occurred during the pandemic and is a part of life that almost half of marriages are said to have to contend with. We have here a guest, a specialist, a familiarist, a lawyer who has national and international experience; I am going to introduce him immediately: he is the lawyer Armando Cecatiello whom I thank for being here with us at Forbes Leader.

 [The complete interview is available at the page: ...]

A New Way to Leave Peacefully

In Collaborative Practice the interaction between the parts is fundamental and, at times, other lawyers are involved, besides lawyers: psychologists and couple therapists.

At the center of the question is the well-being of the children, the commitment of the parents to collaborate with each other, to never denigrate the former partner and to request, if necessary, the help of a child specialist or a family relations facilitator .

Each topic is explained through the narration of real cases and situations that actually happened.




The book describes in an exhaustive and complete manner the different types of family, which can be based on marriage, cohabitation or civil union, and the consequent property regimes that can be adopted.

The Author explains, with language simple and effective, like move in a society where family relationships have changed, becoming more and more complex, and where patrimonial issues have an increasingly important weight to guarantee the well-being of the individual and his family, in whatever form it may be.

The text also offers important insights and insights on: getting married, giving birth to a son, separate, divorce, do an important gift, take out an insurance policy, choose a pension fund, change jobs, engage in a business activity, change residence and country. Situations that have consequences not only on us but also on others, not only in personal relationships but also on economic ones, so they must be well thought out and evaluated.

The volume, the result of professional experience in the protection of individuals and families, is thus dedicated to those who want to make informed decisions in the light of the possibilities that are given to us by national and international legislation, to protect ourselves and the people we care about.

TEENS - Educate and Grow without fear

A look at the world of adolescents, through a series of clinical cases considered by a lawyer expert in family law, Avv. Cecatiello, and by a psychologist, psychotherapist, Dr. Veneroni, a specialist in clinical psychology with years of experience with teenagers and families. The cases are told like a novel, whose protagonists are adolescents of situations actually assisted by the author Cecatiello, revisited through the narrative dimension. The text explores issues ranging from the search for autonomy, the difficult relationship with the body, relationships with the group and friends, the need for approval and reflection, the effort to control impulses, the need for listening and understanding, fear and risks, like drugs, up to the delicate issue of what happens when a teenager gets sick.

Teenagers. Educate and grow without fear

Interview with Avvocato Cecatiello on Divorce and Collaborative CSR Practice

About half of marriages end in divorce. It is a consolidated social phenomenon, a sign of our society and of the mutation of the concept of family. Divorcing is a frequent and often very painful reality for wife and husband: quarrels, blackmail, harassment of all kinds. But breaking up a marriage often becomes a dramatic experience for children, who are in the midst of contention. So it is right to ask ourselves if it is possible to divorce well, that is to dissolve a marriage avoiding war. The answer in a documentary by Bonfire, which gathers the concrete and encouraging experience of those who, like Avv. Armando Cecatiello, has shown that it is possible to divorce well.

Interview with the lawyer Cecatiello at the CSR offices; the complete video of the episode of Bonfire is available on the RSI website at the following address (the intervention of Avvocato Cecatiello begins at minute 59: 24sec.):  https://…Divorziare-bene-13207863.html

Radio Cusano Campus interview

Interview with the lawyer Cecatiello in the offices of Radio Lombardia. Separation, divorce and asset protection.

Milan, 18 October 2019.

  • Friends of Radio Lombardia we are in the company of the lawyer Armando Cecatiello.
  • Good evening!
  • It is a pleasure to have you here on Live Social to talk about protecting family assets. […] How is it possible to separate while protecting one's assets at the same time?
  • First of all, it is necessary to contact a good, specialized marriage lawyer, in the sense that in any case, even if specialization is not expressly provided for in Italy, it is necessary to find someone competent who deals with issues of this type daily; then we need to see ourselves not as “ex”, and therefore enemies, but we should see ourselves as allies, as partners; when you get married, people usually take some time […].
  • […] Among the problems of separations connected to the protection of assets is the maintenance allowance, which is calculated in what way?
  • It is necessary to verify what is the standard of living of the spouses during the marriage and especially that of the children, because then we talk about the maintenance of the children and the weaker spouse. Here too, you need to be very careful: if I have to defend the weaker spouse [,,,].

[Keep it going…]

Advice, legal advice, information. Contact Us!

Specialized in Family Law: Divorce Lawyer, Matrimonialist, Studio in Milan. Adoptions, Heritage Protection, Trusts, Collaborative Divorce, Child Custody, Child Maintenance, Juvenile Criminal, Collaborative Practice, International Divorce, International Adoption. International Family Law Boutique.

 Law Firm Cecatiello

Via Giuseppe Sacchi 3
20121 Milan, MI (map)

Phone: +39 02 7202 2862
Fax: +39 02 8901 6054


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The lawyer Armando Cecatiello, marriage lawyer, divorce lawyer of the Milan Bar, has been dealing with separations and divorces in judicial and extrajudicial matters. Specialized in "Collaborative Practice", "collaborative divorce“, Is a trainer for AIADC (Italian Association of Collaborative Professionals) and holds courses at Aiadc offices in Italy.

The lawyer Cecatiello has great experience with every matter relating to family law, separation and divorce, from the simplest to the most complex situations, from a patrimonial and relational point of view, both in Italy and internationally.

The Cecatiello Law Firm follows cases of succession law and testamentary disregard at national and international level.
The inheritance is divided among the entitled persons by family relationship, legitimate share, and for the remainder it can be destined to whomever you wish through testamentary dispositions, quota of heritage available.

He has published several books based on his experience as divorce lawyer, matrimonialista, with description of practical cases: “Parting well with collaborative practice” (on collaborative divorce), “My parents are splitting. And I? - Separating and divorcing while protecting oneself and children "(on the aspects of foster care and child support)," Now enough! Instructions against abuse "(a book on the phenomenon of gender-based violence, particularly violence against women, and the situation of children), “Bully you broke me” (identify attitudes that lead to bullying and run for cover before the targeted person becomes a victim).